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Blast Away Your Acne with Blu-U and Clarisonic

Added 2017-08-09 12:09:50 | Category: Other



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In-office Blue-U: Blu-U Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy is an effective, non-invasive and pain free alternative to antibiotics and topical treatments for controlling moderate acne.
It is a 15-30 minute procedure and requires 48 hours away from sunlight.

At-Home Clarisonic: The Clarisonic is a skin cleansing tool that improves cell turnover rate, which produces smoother, healthier looking skin while improving the appearance of acne scars.
96% of women saw softer, smoother, healthier looking skin. 84% of women saw a reduction in pores and improved firmness.

Keywords:  acne,   clarisonic,   blu-u
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